Monday, November 29, 2010

Deadly Sins - Lust

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

Artwork by Keith Garvey and he is a pay to use artist, you can currently find him here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes or PSP Tubes Emporium artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Deadly Sins - Lust" by Grunge and Glitter and can be found here.
Font(s): The NautiGal

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, flood fill background with white.

Open frame 4 and paper cardboard - copy and paste frame as a new layer, resize. Copy and paste cardboard as a new layer, resizing to smaller than frame. Move fill layer underneath frame.

Open your tube or image of choice - copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking, duplicate, change blend mode to multiply, add gaussian blur of 5, and lower opacity to 64. Only drop shadow bottom layer.

Open your choice of extra goodies - copy and paste as new layers, resizing as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name, flood fill with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Deadly Sins - Gluttony

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

Artwork by Elias Chatzoudis and he is a pay to use artist, you can currently find him here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes or PSP Tubes Emporium artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Deadly Sins - Gluttony" by Grunge & Glitter and can be purchased here.
Template: Template 158 by Blissfully Beth, you can find it here.
Mask(s): Insatiable Dreams 149 and you can find it here.
Font(s): The NautiGal

Here we go!

Open template, Shift + "D" to duplicate to a new image. Close original template and go ahead and "Save As" your new template to your desired folder. Turn off copyright layer and move to bottom.

Copy and paste paper 12 as new layer, move to bottom, apply mask.

Delete both blue frames and both gray squares.

In your layer window, select Filmstrip, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 4, deselect, delete original layer.

In your layer window, select White BG, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 10, deselect, delete original layer.

In your layer window, select Gray Stripe 1, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 1, deselect, delete original layer. Repeat with Gray Stripe 2. Effects, Texture Effects, Blinds, width 2, opacity 30, color black, horizontal checked.

In your layer window, select Stars, add 50% uniform, monochrome noise. Repeat with Word Art layer.

Open your tube or image of choice - Copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking, duplicate, add gaussian blur of 5, change blend mode to multiply and lower opacity down to 56.

Copy and paste any other elements that you would like to use, resizing and rotating as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your text - (I floodfilled mine with paper 11.) To make it stand out, duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, expand by 2, flood fill with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Deadly Sins - Envy

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

Artwork by Camilla Drakenborg and she is a pay to use artist, you can currently find her here at CILM. Just a side note, they will be closing on December 31, 2010. Please make sure that you have the appropriate CILM artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Deadly Sins - Envy" by Grunge & Glitter and can be purchased here.
Template: Christmas Template (2009) by Kelly, you can find it here on the Misfits blog.
Mask(s): Insatiable Dreams 119 and you can find it here.
Filter(s): MuRa Meister's Copies
Font(s): Rockwell Condensed

Here we go!

Open template, Shift + "D" to duplicate to a new image. Close original template and go ahead and "Save As" your new template to your desired folder. Turn off copyright layer and move to bottom.

Copy and paste paper 3 as new layer, move to bottom, apply mask.

Delete Snowflake 1 & 2, BkgText, SMRectBlinds, and LgRectText.

In your layer window, select LgRect, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 8, deselect, delete original layer.

To make the text layer, create a new transparent image, 500 x 500, add new vector layer, choose a font that is easy to read and very plain, something typewriterish works great, convert to raster layer. Go to Effects, MuRa's Meister Copies, change tile mode to tile, on the right hand side numbers are as follows, right down the line: 1 50 50 0 0 0 100 0 100 1 0 30 0. These may change depending on your font choice. Copy text layer, select the LgRect that you just filled, paste as new layer, invert, in layers window, delete the text layer to leave only what's inside the box.

In your layer window, select SMRectWhite, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 3, deselect, delete original layer.

In your layer window, select LgRectGlow, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 1, deselect, delete original layer.

In your layer window, select MedRectFill, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 3, deselect, delete original layer.

In your layer window, select MedRectBlinds, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 11, deselect, delete original layer.

In your layer window, select CircleFill, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 2, deselect, delete original layer.

In your layer window, select LfRectBorder, Select All, using magic wand, select on template, add new layer, flood fill with paper 9, add 50% uniform, monochrome noise, deselect, delete original layer. Repeat same process with CricleOutline and MedRectBorder.

In your layer window, select square frames, Select All, using magic wand, select small circle, add new layer, flood fill with paper 8, deselect, delete original layer,apply noise 50%, uniform & monochrome selected.

Open your tube or image of choice - Copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking, duplicate, add gaussian blur of 5, change blend mode to multiply and lower opacity down to 28.

Copy and paste any other elements that you would like to use, resizing and rotating as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your text - (I floodfilled mine with paper 4.) To make it stand out, duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, expand by 2, flood fill with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Give Thanks

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

Artwork by Anna Marine and she is a pay to use artist, you can currently find her here at Creative Design Outlet. Please make sure that you have the appropriate CILM or Creative Design Outlet artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Please make sure that you have the appropriate CILM artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Autumn Falls" by Creationz by Jo and can be purchased here.
Mask(s): Vix 265 and can be found here.
Font(s): AL Charisma

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open stick frame, copy and paste as a new layer, rotate 180 degrees, resize to your liking. Using magic wand, select inside of frame, expand by 2, add new raster layer, copy and paste paper 16, move underneath frame layer.

Copy and paste paper 16 as new bottom layer, apply mask, you may need to resize.

Open your tube or image of choice - Copy and paste, you may need to resize, duplicate and move one layer on top of frame, erase all hanging over parts except for hair.

Copy and paste all of the elements that you want to use. You'll have to resize and rotate, and it would be easier if you sharpened and drop shadowed layers as you went.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your text,flood fill with paper 16, convert to raster layer. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with colour of choice.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Winter Diva

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork by Keith Garvey and he is a pay to use artist, you can currently find him here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes or PSP Tubes Emporium artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Winter Chill" by Creationz by Jo and can be purchased here.
Mask(s): Vix Christmas 6 and can be found here.
Font(s): Passions Conflict ROB

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open wreath, copy and paste as a new layer, resize to your liking. Using magic wand, select inside of frame, expand by 6, add new raster layer, copy and paste paper 11, move underneath frame layer.

Copy and paste paper 3 as new bottom layer, apply mask, you may need to resize.

Open your tube or image of choice - Copy and paste, you may need to resize, duplicate and move one layer on top of frame, erase all hanging over parts.

Copy and paste all of the elements that you want to use. You'll have to resize and rotate. I added more branches underneath frame, the reindeer, & gem stars.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your text,flood fill with paper 3 as background fill and white as foreground fill, convert to raster layer. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with colour of choice.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Girly Girl

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork by Keith Garvey and he is a pay to use artist, you can currently find him here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes or PSP Tubes Emporium artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "IDK :]" by Grunge and Glitter and can be found here.
Mask(s): Weescotslass 128, and you can find that here.
Font(s): Problem Secretary

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open heart frame and paper 1 - copy and paste frame as a new layer, resize. Use magic wand and select inside of frame, copy and paste paper 1 as a new layer. Move fill layer underneath frame.

Copy and paste paper 5, apply mask, duplicate, move one up and move one down, move underneath all layers.

Open your tube or image of choice - copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking, duplicate, move this layer on top of frame, erase any parts on the bottom that hang over.

Only dropshadow bottom layer.

Open your choice of extra goodies - copy and paste as new layers, resizing as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name, floodfill with paper 4, convert to raster layer. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Conjure Me

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork by Anna Marine and she is a pay to use artist, you can currently find her here at Creative Design Outlet. Please make sure that you have the appropriate CILM or Creative Design Outlet artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Living Dead Girl" by Grunge and Glitter and can be found here.
Mask(s): Weescotslass 128, and you can find that here.
Font(s): A&S Wizard

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open frame 4, wire, and paper 2 - copy and paste frame as a new layer, resize. Use magic wand and select inside of frame, copy and paste paper 2 as a new layer, copy and paste wire as a new layer. Move all layers underneath frame.

Copy and paste paper 5, apply mask, move underneath all layers.

Open your tube or image of choice - copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking, duplicate, change blend mode of top layer to multiply, lower opacity to 72, add gaussian blur of 5. Only dropshadow bottom layer.

Open your choice of extra goodies - copy and paste as new layers, resizing as you go. Don't forget the gargoyle!!

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name, floodfill with paper 5, convert to raster layer. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with black, drop shadow with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Secrets in the Snow

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork by Unholy Vault Designs and she is a pay to use artist that you can find here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Silent Night" by Grunge and Glitter and can be found here.
Plugin(s): Alien Skin Xenofex Constellation (optional)
Font(s): Pristina

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open frame 3, copy and paste as a new layer, rotate 90 degrees, resize to your liking, erase the ribbon. Using magic wand, select inside of frame, expand by 2, add new raster layer, copy and paste paper 15, move underneath frame layer. For snow, use Xenofex, 2, 100, 9, 8, 8, 99, rotation 45, keep original image. Duplicate frame layer and change the blend mode on the top layer to modify.

Open tree, copy and paste as a new layer, resize to your liking, repeat two additional times.

Open moon, copy and paste as a new layer, resize to your liking.

Open clock, copy and paste as a new layer, right under the trees, lower opacity.

Open your tube or image of choice - Copy and paste, you may need to resize.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your text,convert to raster layer. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with colour of choice.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance
to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Madame Midnight

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork by Grant Turner and he is a pay to use artist, you can find him here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Madame Midnight" by Grunge and Glitter and can be found here.
Mask(s): Weescotslass 128, and you can find that here.
Font(s): Satisfaction

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open frame 1 and papers 1, 2, and 6 - copy and paste frame as a new layer, resize. Use magic wand and select inside of frame, add new layer, floodfill with paper 1, repeat with papers 2 and 6. Change papers 2 and 6 blend mode to overlay, move underneath frame in the order that you added them.

Copy and paste paper 18, apply mask, move underneath all layers, resize, duplicate, select all, floodfill top layer with paper 17.

Open your tube or image of choice - copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking, duplicate, change top layer blend mode to 70, lower opacity down to 70, add gaussian blur 5. Dropshadow only bottom layer

Open your choice of extra goodies - copy and paste as new layers, resizing as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name, background with #800000 foreground null, convert to raster layer. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with black, drop shadow with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance
to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Love in the Fast Lane

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork by Keith Garvey and he is a pay to use artist, you can currently find him here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes or PSP Tubes Emporium artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Teenage Dirtbag II" by Grunge and Glitter and can be found here.
Font(s): Kolker Brush and Impact

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open frame 3 and cardboard 1 - copy and paste frame as a new layer, resize, duplicate, change blend mode to multiply. Copy and paste cardboard under frame, resize to just hang over a bit.

Open halftone - copy, paste, and resize, move to bottom.

Open motorcycle - copy, paste, and resize.

Open your tube or image of choice - copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking, repeat process if you have another tube to go with it.

Open your choice of tubes - copy and paste as new layers, resizing as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your text, floodfill with paper 2, convert to raster layer, duplicate, change blend mode to multiply. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with colour of choice, apply noise.

Add a new vector layer for your name, floodfill with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Rock Angel

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork by Celine and she is a pay to use artist, you can find her here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate My PSP Tubes artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Rock Angel" by Grunge and Glitter and can be found here.
Mask(s): Weescotslass 116, and you can find that here.
Font(s): Kolker Brush

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open frame 5 and papers 4 & 11 - copy and paste frame as a new layer, resize, duplicate, change blend mode to multiply. Use magic wand and select inside of frame, copy and paste paper 4 as a new layer, copy and paste paper 11 as a new layer, change blend mode on paper 11 to multiply and drop the opacity down to 70. Move all layers underneath frame.

Copy and paste paper 15, apply mask, move underneath all layers.

Copy and paste wordart 2, resize, select, contract 2, add new layer, floodfill with grey, add noise with uniform & monochrome checked and set at 50, duplicate.

Open your tube or image of choice - copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking.

Open your choice of extra goodies - copy and paste as new layers, resizing as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name, floodfill with paper 13, convert to raster layer. To make it stand out, use could use either Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with black, drop shadow with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Spirit of the Wolf

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

Image courtesy of Howard Robinson, it is a free to use tube and he can be found here.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "New Moon" by Pimp'd Designz and can be purchased here.
Mask(s): Weescotslass 105, which can be found here.
Font(s): Papyrus

Here we go!

Open a new image, 500x500 (we can resize later).

Open frame 02 and paper 12 - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to your liking. Use magic wand and select inside frame, add a new layer, modify by 5, flood fill with paper 12 and move beneath frame layer.

Open image or tube of choice - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to fit just inside frame, move underneath frame layer.

Open paper 11 - Copy, paste as a new layer, move to bottom, apply mask, duplicate, change blend mode to multiply and adjust opacity to your liking.

Open assortment of elements - Copy, paste each as a new layer, resizing and rotating as you go.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name - Floodfill with black.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Want You Forever

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

Image courtesy of Zindy SD Nielson, it is a pay to use tube and can be purchased here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Twilight" by Pimp'd Designz and can be purchased here.
Mask(s): Weescotslass 105, which can be found here.
Font(s): Passions Conflict ROB

Here we go!

Open a new image, 500x500 (we can resize later).

Open frame 02 and paper 9 - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to your liking. Use magic wand and select inside frame, add a new layer, modify by 5, flood fill with paper 9, move underneath frame layer.

Open image or tube of choice - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to fit just inside frame, move underneath frame layer, rotate 2 degrees left.

Open papers 5 & 12 - Copy, paste paper 12 as a new layer, move to bottom, apply mask, move to the right, duplicate, move top layer to left, copy and paste paper 5, apply mask,move to bottom layer.

Open assortment of elements - Copy, paste each as a new layer, resizing and rotating to your liking.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name - Floodfill with paper 11.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cries of Injustice

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

All images used are included in the kit.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "If I Was Your Vampire" by Pimp'd Designz and can be purchased here.
Mask(s): Vix 405 and you can find that here.
Font(s): Shalimar ROB

Here we go!

Open a new image, 500x500 (we can resize later).

Open frame 04 and paper 5 - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to your liking. Use magic wand and select inside frame, add a new layer, modify by 4, flood fill with paper 5 (I resized it).

Copy and paste paper 01 as a new layer, move to bottom, apply mask, duplicate, change blend mode to multiply.

Open assortment of elements - Copy, paste each as a new layer, resizing and rotating to your liking. For a spooky look, you may need to change opacity on certain things like the blood or the spider webs.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name - Floodfill with paper 03, lower opacity to 30.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nature's Beauty

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

All images used are included in the kit.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Autumn Love" by Pimp'd Designz and can be purchased here.
Font(s): Scrap Cursive

Here we go!

Open a new image, 500x500 (we can resize later).

Open frame 03 and paper 11 - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to your liking. Use magic wand and select inside frame, add a new layer, modify by 8, flood fill with paper 11. Duplicate frame, change blend mode to multiply.

Open assortment of elements - Copy, paste each as a new layer, resizing and rotating to your liking. Try to make sure all the elements are proportional and layered well.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name - Floodfill with paper 07.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Monday, November 8, 2010

In My Arms Once Again

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use Version 9).

Image courtesy of Zindy SD Nielson, it is a pay to use tube and can be purchased here. Please make sure that you have the appropriate artist license to use the same tube as I do.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Breaking Dawn" by Pimp'd Designz and can be purchased here.
Mask(s): Weescotslass 62 & 84, which can be found here.
Font(s): Satisfaction

Here we go!

Open a new image, 500x500 (we can resize later).

Open frame 01 and paper 11 - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to your liking. Use magic wand and select inside frame, add a new layer, modify by 8, flood fill with paper 11.

Open image or tube of choice - Copy, paste as a new layer, resize to fit just inside frame, move underneath frame layer.

Open paper 11 - Resize to 60%, copy, paste as a new layer, move to bottom, apply mask. Repeat with other mask.

Open assortment of elements - Copy, paste each as a new layer, resizing and rotating to your liking.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your name - Floodfill with paper 11 and dropshadow with white.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Country Girl at Heart

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP (I use
Version 9).

Artwork is included in the kit.

Supplies Needed:

Tube or image of choice
Scrap Kit: "Down on the Farm" by Pimp'd Designz and can be purchased here.
Mask: Weescotslass 218, that you can find here.
Plug Ins: Alien Skin Xenofex 2, Little Fluffy Clouds & Lightning & Penta Color Dot
Font(s): Qwigley

Here we go!

Open new image, 500x500, floodfill background with white.

Open frame 03, copy and paste as a new layer, resize to your liking.

Select inside of frame with magic wand, expand by 5, add new layer, floodfill with white, Little Fluffy Clouds (100,30,50,Wispy,1),move underneath frame layer.

Copy and paste paper of choice, move down to bottom, apply mask.

Open all the goodies that you want to add, copy and paste each as a new layer, resizing and rotating as you go.

Open your tube or image of choice - Copy and paste, arrange and resize to your liking.

At this point, I usually resize if I need a smaller image. I also save both the original size and the smaller size images.

Add a new vector layer for your text,convert to raster layer, add Color Dot filter (90,2,255,255,255). To make it stand out, use could use eiter Eye Candy Gradient Glow or duplicate the layer, convert bottom layer to raster, select all, use magic wand to select text, expand by 2, floodfill with white.

Add another new vector layer for your name, floodfill with paper of choice.

Go back through to sharpen and add a drop shadow to your layers.

Add your copyright as the finishing touch.

Save your tag in your favorite format and you are done!!

This tutorial was written by Debbie (Mystic Inc Design), 2010. Any resemblance
to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.
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